Iaso Gano

Iaso Gano

The "King" Of Herbs... GANO

Experience the benefits of an ancient, preventive medicinal herb.

Ganoderma has been used as an herbal remedy for such things as health, recuperation, longevity, wisdom and happiness for centuries in Asian traditional medicine.



A Brief History of Ganoderma:

Ganoderma Lucidum has been used for more than 2,000 years in many Eastern cultures and is almost considered a way of life.
Ganoderma is derived from a red mushroom prized this mushroom for its medicinal properties of promoting health and well-being. This mushroom is also known as Lingzhi in China, Reishi in Japan, and Youngzhi in Korea.
Historically, Ganoderma was only found in wooded, mountain forests on a limited number dried trunks of dead trees. Being very rare and time consuming to harvest made Ganoderma very sought after and expensive.

With today's technology, the Reishi mushroom is grown in carefully controlled facilities under strict, scientific conditions in its homeland of Malaysia.

These processes have produced the perfect environment for producing the finest and most pure Ganoderma Lucidum in the world.